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Go To SpongeBob’s House

N : There was a friends namely, Nadya, Theo, and Noel.

One day, they were watching television in Nadya’s house, but they weren’t surrender each other about their favorite channel.

Nadia : I want to watch this channel..!!! ( Clear’s Advertisement )

Theo : No, I want this …..!!! ( Titanic’s Advertisement )

Noel : I want this…!!! ( Westlife : I have adream ‘s Advertisement )

Nadia : I’m boring. (Capture the remote from Noel and like that on the other hand with Theo, too)

N : Sudenly, the remote has throwed to the television. So Nadia, Theo, and Noel go into the television to taked the remote…

Theo : What is going on ?

Fairy : Hey guys,…. . You must finish your mission to go to Spongebob’s house if you want to go back to your real world. And now, your name will change, too… . In this journey, Nadya as Dora, Theo as Diego, and Noel as Boots. OK ?!?!

D,D.B : OK (at the same time singing)

N : On the way …

Boots : Dora, which way we will go?

Dora : Who is we ask to ?

Audience : Map…

Di, Bo : MAP …!!

Map’s song …

M1+M2: We are map , we are map, we are map, we are map…

We will show you to the right way. The way you must past are bridge, and the beach, finally Spongebob’s house in Bikini Bottom. Can you repeat that ?

Audience : Bridge, Beach, Spongebob’s house

Dora : Which way we should go ?

Audience : Bridge, Beach, Spongebob’s house

N : On the way to the Bridge …

D,D,B sing a song

: Go to the Bridge, Beach, Spongebob’s house

Diego : We find the Bridge, but look there is a lion was sleeping. We must keep quiet and walk slowly.

Dora : Keep quiet and walk slowly.

Boots : Yeah, keep quiet and walk slowly slowly and slowly.

N : And then…

D,D,B : We did it , we did it , we did it … Horeeyy..!!

Fairy : Congratulations to you guys. Now, your first mission is complete. Are you ready to the second mission?

D,D,B : Yes I’m ready.

Boots : Next, where shall we go ?

Audience : Beach !!!

Diego : Oh, yeah !! Let’s go …

D,D,B sing a song

: Go to the Beach and Spongebob’s house

Dora : Heeey, where is the Beach ?

Boots : Oh, Who is we ask to ?

Audience : MAP!!!

Map’s song

M1+M2 : You must walk across the street, then turn left after that turn right.

Can you repeat that ?

D,D,B : Walk across the street, then turn left, after that turn right.

: (walking)

N : Suddenly, the rain is come …

Dora : Oh, no !! The rain is coming !! What do we need now ?

Audience : Umbrella !!!

Dora : From who we get an umbrella ?

Audience : Back pack !!

Bp : (sing a backpack song) Backpack.. Backpack.. Backpack.. Backpack.. Hey guys …what do you need ?

D,D,B : We need an umbrella, now …!

Bp : Okay, here you are.

D,D,B : Thank You !!


Diego : Wow, we found the Beach.

D,D,B : Horray !!

N : And then…

Fairy : Congrats for you’re guys… . Your second mission is complete. Now, you must dive to Bikini Bottom. I’ll give ‘magic sentence’ to breath on the water. And then you must go to Spongebob’s house.

: But … but …, where is my magic stick? Ohh no I can’t give a magic spell.. Hiks..Hiks..

Swiper : Psst … psst ..

Boots : Listen … . Do you hear that ?

Diego : That’s Swiper.

Dora : If you can see Swiper, please tell us where is it …

Audience : There is swiper..

Boots : Hemmm, where?

Audience : That!!

Swiper : I’ve already stolen your magic stick …

Fairy : Ohh no my magic stick. You’re so naughty swiper!!

Diego : Ohh fairy, please don’t be sad. Guys, to stop he’s action too more far, come on say “Swiper don’t steal, Swiper don’t steal” .

Everyone : Swiper don’t steal, Swiper don’t steal

Swiper : Oh, no … (walking far away)

Fairy : Thanks guys, now I want to give you magic sentences! (giving they magic spell)

N : Then Dora, Diego, and Boots straight dive to the water …

Boots : That is Spongebob’s house !

Dora : Let’s go there.

Spongebob : Welcome to my house. I’ll give you a riddle, if you can answer it correctly you can go back to your wold.

D,D,B : OK.

Spongebob : I have 4 categories, “The Number 10”, “ Famous Title”, “Soundtracks “ and “Food That ends with –amburger” so, pick one!

Boots: I Pick Famous title.

Spongebob : Ok, the question is…. What movie title that based on the novel “Gone with the Wind” ?

Boots: Hemmmm…… Star wars?

Spongebob : That’s wrong…

Diego : Heey heey, I know.. The title is Gone with the wind right?

Spongebob : That’s right! Next categories please….

Diego : I Pick The number 10

Spongebob : Every correct answer of this category is 10, so when I stop talking, just say ten.. the question is How many finger do you have?

Diego : Eeeeee…. five?

Spongebob : That’s wrong

Dora : Ten right?

Spongebob : Yeah you’re right baby, Ok next category please….

Dora : Soundtrack!

Spongebob : ok this sound track is for what movie?? Na na na na batman…. batman…(sing a song)

Dora : Star track right?

Spongebob : Oh I’m sorry baby that’s wrong..

Boots : Star trek sequel?

Spongebob : You’re heeeeeemm wrong.

Diego : Batman right?

Spongebob : Yes you’re right. Ok, three of you can answer my question correctly. Now, you can go back to your real world. Hemmm fairyyyyyy..

Fairy : Congratulation for you’re guys your last mission is complete!! You’re very smart to answer Spongebob’s question. Thanks a lot Spongebob for your questions. Now guys, you can go back to you real world (giving they magic spell)

D,D,B : Ahhh … ahhh !!!

(falling down)

N : In Nadya’s house …

Theo : Oh my God, we can back to Nadya’s house.

Noel : Wow, it’s so amazing experience

Nadya : This is our spectacular adventure and it’s so amazing !

Noel : Oh, it’s already evening.

Theo : So we must go home to our own house, now

Noel : That’s right.

Nadya : Alright guys, see you tomorrow.

Theo : Bye …

Noel : Bye …

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This good for someone who can not make a cake "Onde-Onde", and this instructions how to make ONDE-ONDE from Denanyar cuisine , here we share the recipe with different flavor: GREENBEAN INSIDE Leather Material: 250 g sticky rice flour 25 gr sago flour ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon vanilla 15 gr sugar Btr 1 egg 150 ml warm water 100 gr sesame cooking oil Contents: 100 gr green beans, peeled 75 gr sugar Pandan leaves 1 ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon vanilla 50 ml coconut milk How to make: 1.Contents: steamed green beans until cooked and tender. Lift, then blend while hot. Combine the green beans with sugar, pandan leaves, salt, vanilla and coconut milk, mix well. Cook over low heat until the dough can dipulung content. Chill. Take the contents of 10 g dough, then round it off. Set aside. 2. Skin: mix rice flour, sago flour, salt, vanilla, sugar and egg mix well. Pour warm water little by little, while diuleni to be dull and dipulung, set aside. 3. Take 15 g dough skin, pipihkan. Put t...

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