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Teaching listening skills is one of the most difficult tasks for any ESL teacher. This is because successful listening skills are acquired over time and with lots of practice. It's frustrating for students because there are no rules as in grammar teaching. Speaking and writing also have very specific exercises that can lead to improved skills. This is not to say that there are not ways of improving listening skills, however they are difficult to quantify.

One of the largest inhibitors for students is often mental block. While listening, a student suddenly decides that he or she doesn't understand what is being said. At this point, many students just tune out or get caught up in an internal dialogue trying translate a specific word. Some students convince themselves that they are not able to understand spoken English well and create problems for themselves.

A. The Importance of Listening
  • Listening is the most common communicative activity in daily life: "we can expect to listen twice as much as we speak, four times more than we read, and five times more than we write." (Morley, 1991, p. 82)

  • Listening is also important for obtaining comprehensible input that is necessary for language development.

B. What is involved in listening comprehension?
  • speech perception (e.g., sound discrimination, recognize stress patterns, intonation, pauses, etc.)

  • word recognition (e.g., recognize the sound pattern as a word, locate the word in the lexicon, retrieve lexical, grammatical and semantic inforamtion about the word, etc.)

  • sentence processing (parsing; e.g., detect sentence constituents, building a structure frame, etc.
  • construct the literal meaning of the sentence (select the relevant meaning in case of ambiguous word)

  • hold the inforamtion in short-term memory
  • recognize cohesive devices in discourse
  • infer the implied meaning and intention (speech act)
  • predict what is to be said
  • decide how to respond
listening is not a passive process. It involves both bottom-up and top-down processes and requires the use of non-linguistic as well as linguistic knowledge.

(english laboratory of SMPN 1 Mbito archieve)

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