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Kaburnya Makna Sumpah Pemuda

Banyak kasus yang mengguncang jiwa pemuda kita saat ini. Perlu kita sadari sungguh-sungguh, bahwa tantangan kehidupan kebangsaan kita hari-hari sekarang memerlukan tampilan para pemuda yang kuat, semangat solidaritas yang tinggi, mempunyai nilai empati sosial yang dalam, yaitu kemampuan merasakan penderitaan sesama dan kesadaran untuk berbagi rasa dengan orang lain. Tapi, sekarang banyak dari kalangan pemuda kita, sudah tidak lagi memiliki keteguhan akhlak, moralitas, sikap berani, dan bertanggung jawab. Sumpah Pemuda tak lagi dijiwai, bahkan sudah memudar seiring dengan perkembangan zaman yang semakin elit dan canggih. Kenapa kita katakan seperti itu? Karena memang itulah realita yang kerap kali terjadi di lapangan social kita. Akar teror tiada henti-hentinya. Yang mengganggu kenyamanan hidup orang banyak. Bom bunuh diri juga tak mau kalah unjuk keberanian di depan umum, yang tak pernah memikirkan orang lain akan dampak perbuatannya. Dari kejadian demi kejadian, selalu terungkap ...


REVIEW FOR MIDDLE TEST 9/ ODD SMESTER 2011-10 a. Expressing What a clever student (he is) What beautiful girls (they are). How clever he is. How beautiful they are. This is the nicest apartment You have a beautiful house This soup is delicious It’s very amazing /fantastic / marvelous It’s so wonderful/ exciting It’s the best film I ever seen. I really like it. I love it. Well done! Good job! b. Responding Thank you. Thanks. Thank you for saying that. It is nice of you to say so. It is kind of you to say that. I’m glad you like it.


Damarwulan is a prince by birth, a nephew of the prime minister, Patih Logender, but was raised in the hermitage of his grandfather. Following his grandfather's advice, he goes to the Majapahit court seeking employment. His cousins, the prime minister's sons, mistreat him when he arrives. Patih Logender, not wanting him to compete with his own sons, assigns him as grass-cutter and stableboy. Though he is stripped of his fine garments, he still has his striking beauty. Rumors of this beauty eventually reach Anjasmara, the prime minister's daughter. She seeks him out secretly and they fall in love and are clandestinely married. One night, Anjasmara's brothers overhear voices in her chamber. They break in and try to kill Damarwulan, but he is able to overcome them. They flee to their father, who orders that Damarwulan be executed. Anjasmara pleas for her lover, and he doesn't execute Damarwulan, but imprisons the pair. Meanwhile, Menak Jingga has wrote a letter to the ...