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UAN 2010 UDAH DEKAT! DEKATKAN DIRIMU KEPADA ILLAHI! KLIK AJA TERUS, PASTI KAU LULUS........ Pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional (UN) tahun pelajaran 2009-2010 akan dilaksanakan dua kali. Sementara itu, UN paket C kejuruan pada tahun depan akan tetap dilaksanakan. Pelaksanaan UN tahun pelajaran 2009-2010 tersebut tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional (Mendiknas) Nomor 75/2009 tentang UN SMP/MTs./SMPLB, SMA/ MA/SMALB, dan SMK tahun pelajaran 2009/2010 yang ditandatangani oleh Mendiknas sebelumnya, Bambang Sudibyo. Jenis dan waktu pelaksanaan UN, diatur dalam pasal lima dan enam. UN pertama disebut UN utama yang akan dilaksanakan pada minggu ketiga Maret 2010 (untuk SMA/MA/ SMALB/SMK) dan minggu keempat Maret 2010 (SMP/ MTs./SMPLB). UN kedua disebut UN ulangan yang akan dilaksanakan pada minggu kedua Mei 2010 (SMA/MA/SMALB/SMK) dan minggu ketiga Mei 2010 (SMP/MTs./SMPLB). Sementara itu, UN susulan yang selama ini diadakan untuk siswa yang berhalangan mengikuti UN, dilaksanakan satu ...


INGIN RESETTER IP 1900 ATAU SETIPE? OKE, KLIK AJA DISINI! Although software resetter for Canon iP1980 or canon iP1900 series not available now. Doesn’t mean there is no way to reset the printer. To reset Waste Ink Tank canon iP1980 or iP1900 series follow this steps: Press Resume button hold for 1 – 2 minutes Open the cover Release the catridge and then put catridge again Close The Cover Turn Off then Turn On again Update: From J-TECH CANON PIXMA IP1900 is just a successor of ip1880 PARTS & MANUALS ARE THE SAME but a little bit faster than 1880 USE GENERAL TOOL CHANGE USB PORT change into CANON PORT click lock release click ip1800 click device id clear waste ink counter by clicking MAIN & PLATEN Check EEPROM Box Click EEPROM Dump Test pattern 1 Your Done… but this is not the end of your problem EVERYTIME YOU CLEAR WASTE INK COUNTER you have to open your printer and wash the INK PAD and let it dry ...

English in Indonesian Primary Schools: An Overwhelming Fact between the Expectation and the Reality

By: Siti Jamilah* (The writer is currently undertaking Master of Education program, with TESOL specialization at University of South Australia, and presently work in an Australian private company) Abstract: This essay aims to overlook the implementation of English curriculum document at primary school level currently used by the educational ministry. According to the document, English in the primary schools is only an optional subject as part of local contents. As the consequence, the curriculum development of English should follow the same guideline of others local contents curricula which strongly emphasize the students' needs as well as the interest of the community. The examination of the curriculum and its implementation shows the wide gap between the expectation and the reality. Therefore, both aspects need to be considered in order to find more realistic approaches. Introduction The latest curriculum in Indonesian primary schools known as the 2004 Curriculum Framework was de...

GUS DUR MNINGGAL DUNIA, selamat jalan Gus!

Jakarta, CyberNews. Setelah dirawat beberapa saat di RSCM, Rabu (30/12) pukul 18.45, Gus Dur diberitakan oleh sejumlah media telah meninggal dunia. Konfirmasi yang dilakukan oleh wartawan pada beberapa menit lalu pada Sholahudin Wahid bahwa Presiden RI ke-3 itu telah wafat. Berita tentang meninggalnya Gus Dur diperoleh Solahudin Wahid melalui SMS yang dikirim ajudannya yang selalu menunggu Gus Dur selama dirawat di RSCM. Seperti diketahui sebelumnya, Gus Dur tiap minggu harus menjalani cuci darah sebanyak tiga kali. Seminggu yang lalu, Gus Dur juga menjalani pencabutan gigi bagian atas. Sementara itu, wartawan CyberNews di Rembang mengatakan saat di Rembang Gus Dur sempat menannyakan Kyai Sepuh yang sudah meninggal. Beberapa orang yang mendengar sempat bertanya apa maksud pertanyaan tersebut. Apakah Gus Dur juga akan berpulang? 30/12/2009 19:26, Jakarta : Mantan Presiden KH Abdurahman Wahid atau Gus Dur meninggal dunia, Rabu (30/12), di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangungkusumo (RS...


INNALILLAHI WAINALILLAHI ROJI'UN WAHAI GUS DUR..... PANUTAN KAMI GURU KAMI BAPAK KAMI MOTIVATOR KAMI.......... SELAMAT JALAN SELAMAT JALAN................SELAMAT JALAN MENUJU HADAPAN ALLOH SWT. SEMOGA SEMUA AMAL IBADAH BAPAK KAMI DITERIMA ALLOH. YA ALLOH............ AMPUNI BAPAK KAMI TERIMALAH BAPAK KAMI DAN BERILAH SURGA-MU KEPADA GUS DUR. SELAMAT JALAN GUS DUR. KHITDHYS/ SEKELUARGA/ RABU 30 DESEMBER 2009/ 18.45 Rabu, 30 Desember 2009 | 19:07 WIB JAKARTA, — Mantan Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur dipastikan meninggal dunia pukul 18.45 di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM). Kabar tersebut dibenarkan putri Gus Dur, Yenny Wahid, melalui telepon kepada . KOMPAS.COM/KRISTIANTO PURNOMO Abudurrahman Wahid atau Gus Dur. Sebelumnya, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) datang ke Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Jakarta, Rabu (30/12/2009) petang. Presiden Yudhoyono ...

The Challenge of English Learning

Introduction Today and future, the skill in English language is the most important for our future life. Why? Because of many science and knowledge which use it. Everyone can get much information from the strange literature through the English translation ability. Nowadays, many products of technology that uses English language. For example, the man can operate the computer easily when they have skills in English language. In 2020 later, The Free Market Trade will be approved. In this era, most of strange products and education institution can be existed in Indonesia easily. Besides, the great challenge that faced by our nation is the penetration of the strange culture. So that, if we don't have the strongest preparation completely, naturally the biggest misfortune will be happened-that is the lost nation. The lost nation or the lost Indonesia is the biggest disaster. As a big nation in South Asia and all the worlds, we are lost our nation identity. How to face and prevent it? E...


SETTING HP GSM AGAR BISA ONLINE.................... Tip dan langkah-langkah seting HP GSM agar bisa digunakan untuk browsing di internet. KARTU AXIS GPRS Parameters Connection Name:AXIS Data Bearer:GPRS atau PS Access Point Name (APN):AXIS Username:axis Prompt Password:No Password:123456 Authentication:Normal Gateway/Proxy IP Address: Gateway/Proxy Port:9201 atau 8080 Homepage: Connection Security:Off Session Mode :Permanent MMS Parameters Connection Name:AXISmms Data Bearer:GPRS atau PS Access Point Name (APN):AXIS Username:axis Prompt Password:No Password:123456 Authentication:Normal Gateway/Proxy IP Address: Gateway/Proxy Port:9201 atau 8080 Homepage:http://mmsc.AXIS Connection Security:Off Session Mode :Permanent Streaming Parameters Connection Name:AXISstream Data Bearer:GPRS atau PS Access Point Name (APN):AXIS Username:axis Password:123456 Use Proxy:No KARTU AS/SIMPATI GPRS --> ketik GPRS kirim ke 6616 MMS --> ketik MMS kirim ke 66...