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Penilaian Angka Kredit Periode Desember 2009

Dalam rangka penilaian angka kredit jabatan guru, pengawas, pamong belajar dan penilik PLS periode Desember 2009 di Lingkup Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Jombang serta untuk mengoptimalkan penilaian dalam penilaian angka kredit, maka perlu diketahui bahwasanya : • Periode penilaian desember berkas dikirim paling lambat tanggal 15 Oktober 2009 • CPNSD yang bersangkutan telah melaksanakan tugas selama 1 tahun secara penuh (SPMT) • Setiap unsur penilaian pelaksanaan pekerjaan dalam DP3 tahun terakhir sekurang-kurangnya bernilai baik minimal 76 untuk CPNSD • Berkas DUPAK yang dinyatakan oleh tim penilai angka kredit Berkas Tidak Lengkap (BTL) atau berkas tidak memenuhi syarat/nilai kurang (TMS) ada pemberitahuan lebih lanjut. • Berkas dupak dikirim ke Bidang Ketenagaan Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Jombang dengan Susunan:


Rain forests cover about 10% of the earth, but they contain 90% 0f the world’s animals and plants. Rain forests are found in the hottest parts of the earth. They are situated in the area from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn. This is the area on both sides of the Equator. These forests are called rain forests because it usually rains there everyday. The weather is always hot and humid. The main rain forests are in America, Africa, and Asia. The largest area of rain forest is Amazonian in South America. It is three times larger than the whole of Indonesia. Indonesia was covered by rain forests, but many of its forests have been cut down. Some fire also destroyed the Indonesian forests, especially during the dry season. It is hard now to reforest the bare land. 1.From the text we can conclude that rain forests cover …..of the earth. a. all b. most c. a small part d. ninety percent 2.We can find rain forests ….. a. on each equator c. on the Tropi...


Go To SpongeBob’s House N : There was a friends namely, Nadya, Theo, and Noel. One day, they were watching television in Nadya’s house, but they weren’t surrender each other about their favorite channel. Nadia : I want to watch this channel..!!! ( Clear’s Advertisement ) Theo : No, I want this …..!!! ( Titanic’s Advertisement ) Noel : I want this…!!! ( Westlife : I have adream ‘s Advertisement ) Nadia : I’m boring. (Capture the remote from Noel and like that on the other hand with Theo, too) N : Sudenly, the remote has throwed to the television. So Nadia, Theo, and Noel go into the television to taked the remote… Theo : What is going on ? Fairy : Hey guys,…. . You must finish your mission to go to Spongebob’s house if you want to go back to your real world. And now, your name will change, too… . In this journey, Nadya as Dora, Theo as Diego, and Noel as Boots. OK ?!?! D,D.B : OK (at the same time singing) N : On the way … Boots : Dora...


     One day, Mouse Deer went down to the river. He wanted to take a drink. But he knew Crocodile might be waiting underwater to eat him. Mouse Deer had an idea. He said out loud, “I wonder if the water’s warm. I’ll put in my leg and find out.” But Mouse Deer didn’t put in his leg. Instead, he picked up a stick with his mouth and put in one end. Chomp! Crocodile grabbed the stick and pulled it underwater. Mouse Deer laughed. “Stupid Crocodile! Don’t you know a stick from a leg?” And he ran off to drink somewhere else! * * *      Another day, Mouse Deer went back to the river. All he saw there was a floating log. But he knew Crocodile looked like a log when he floated. Mouse Deer had an idea. He said out loud, “If that log is really Crocodile, it won’t talk. But if it’s really just a log, it will tell me.” He listened. A rough voice said, “I’m really just a log.” Mouse Deer laughed. “Stupid Crocodile! Do you think a log can talk?” And off he ran ag...


Salam dan Perkenalan (Greetings and Introduction) Ucapan salam biasa digunakan untuk menyapa orang lain. Ungkapan perkenalan biasa digunakan untuk memperkenalkan diri atau menanyakan identitas orang lain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- === Salam (Greetings) === Biasanya setelah mengucapkan salam, diiringi dengan menanyakan kabar orang yang disapa. Di bawah ini beberapa ungkapan salam yang biasa digunakan serta ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan/menjawab kondisi seseorang. Selamat Pagi                                                           Good Morning Selamat Siang             ...