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all TEXT FROM kgi CONtests

Darul Huffadh, Po Box 101
Sinjai 92602

Tini : I have a riddle.
Tani : What is the riddle?
Tini : Can you answer it?
Tani : I'll try.
Tini : Listen carefully. What always has an eye open, but never sees?
Tani : The answer is a bottle.
Tini : That is wrong.
Tani : Well, What's the right answer?
Tini : All right, the answer is a needle

Pecalukan Genengsari, IV No.720
RT 42, RW 07, Prigen - Pasuruan
Jawa Timur 67157

My Classroom

Teacher : Well, student its time for questions.

Student : Mom, is the meaning of 'milky way' is the way which is full of milk
(Jalan yang penuh susu)

Teacher : No, the right answer is 'bima sakti'.

Student : How about Folk Tale, is it the tale of the fox ? (ekornya serigala)

Teacher : (Grumble) What ever you want guys

Pecalukan Genengsari, IV No.720
RT 42, RW 07, Prigen - Pasuruan - Jawa Timur 67157


Patient : Doc, I'm too fat. Can you give some advices or medicine that will help me look thinner?
Doctor : The most effective way are healthy diet, drink some supplements and sport.

Patient : It's coincident Doc, I like sport. So, what is the most appropriate sport for me?

Doctor : Swimming

Patient : Are you sure?

Doctor : Absolutely. It has proved 99%

Patient : if it's so why sea lion and walrus still fat? They swim all the time right

Doctor : ???

Ach. Muammar
SMPN 3 Peterongan


In the night
Moment a mother sit at the shaky chair
The child sit at the floor fall down his head
At the lap his mother
The mother sing happily java songs
She repeatedly soft hair her boys
The child also sleep
Dreaming beautifully contradict his mother

Sifa Fauziyah
Desa Pucung Rt 07/02 No. 242
Tirto, Pekalongan - Jawa Tengah 51151

Star Shine Peace

I alone in lonely night
Look wonderful shine star welcome night
Shine always a long time
Peace scatter and world adorn

Although alter night
Don't dead your shine
All people need you always
They admire and love your beauty

I ask always at God
Give peace and far from enemy
Like star without tired that shine always
In order to the world far from badness

Created by : Harsi
Translated by : Nuri
From : Nuriyani
(Asrama Putri STKS)
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 367
Bandung - Jawa Barat 40135


I walk with you take along headed for the morning
Just never show up restlessness on your face
I bringing you at the middle of wide green plain
Yearning a shine of water's jewel your dew
Cause to be brought in your morning
Bring along your water
So it is hand in hand
A heart loving heart
We kept on walking to the goodness
Have been longing for your water
Your water is hope of our grovel and love
For loving you

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This good for someone who can not make a cake "Onde-Onde", and this instructions how to make ONDE-ONDE from Denanyar cuisine , here we share the recipe with different flavor: GREENBEAN INSIDE Leather Material: 250 g sticky rice flour 25 gr sago flour ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon vanilla 15 gr sugar Btr 1 egg 150 ml warm water 100 gr sesame cooking oil Contents: 100 gr green beans, peeled 75 gr sugar Pandan leaves 1 ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon vanilla 50 ml coconut milk How to make: 1.Contents: steamed green beans until cooked and tender. Lift, then blend while hot. Combine the green beans with sugar, pandan leaves, salt, vanilla and coconut milk, mix well. Cook over low heat until the dough can dipulung content. Chill. Take the contents of 10 g dough, then round it off. Set aside. 2. Skin: mix rice flour, sago flour, salt, vanilla, sugar and egg mix well. Pour warm water little by little, while diuleni to be dull and dipulung, set aside. 3. Take 15 g dough skin, pipihkan. Put t


by Darju Prasetya from Tuban, East Java Climbing mountains is my hobby. I really love this hobby because we can enjoy the beautiful landscape created by God. We can also refresh our mind after we work all day in the city. One of the most beautiful and magical mountains in East Java which I have visited is Mount Bromo. It is located in Probolinggo Regency not far from the Malang Regency. You know that this mountain is very interesting because you can see the beautiful sunrise and sunset from this mountain. You can take a magical picture from the sky above this mountain. Beside that you can see the beautiful or large field or what the Bromo people call ‘Lautan Pasir’ or ‘The Desert Sea’. It is very beautiful if you see from the top of Mount Bromo. On the top of Mount Bromo, there are also a ‘Kawah’ or ‘Crater’, where visitors can make their body warm in the cold conditions of this mountain. In this crater you can see some beautiful colors of fire and beautiful smoke going up to the sky.


Peran Orang Tua Sebagai Pendidik Moral Ibu adalah orang yang paling dekat pada anak. Ia merupakan orang yang pertama yang mengajarkan cara berbicara, cara menghitung jari di tangan, dan cara mengekspresikan rasa kasih sayang dan simpati pada orang lain. Dengan demikian ia merupakan guru pertama dan utama dalam mengendalikan anaknya untuk menjadi orang yang baik dan berguna bagi orang. Kemudian ayah juga harus menjadi orang yang pertama atau orang nomor dua dalam kehidupan anak sebagai pendidik anak dan membimbingnya tumbuh menjadi anak yang sehat dan cerdas. Menjadi orang yang berguna seperti kata Rasullullah SAW: khairunnas anfahum linnas- orang yang baik adalah orang yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Namun dari kenyataan dalam hidup ini terlihat bahwa jutaan kaum bapak tidak tahu dan tidak mau tahu soal mendidik anak. Mereka terlalu menyerahkan urusan mendidik anak pada kaum ibu. Sebagian menganggap bahwa kalau ikut mendidik dan merawat anak maka karakter maskulin mereka akan merosot.