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berLATIH to Understand TEXT content for 7 SMPN 1 SUMOBITO

TEXT 1 There is a new department store in our town. It is at the end of the main road. I buy a newspaper there everyday. This big store is open everyday, even Sunday. It is always busy on Sunday. A lot of people like to go shopping on Sunday. They sell milk, eggs, biscuits, tea, sugar, and coffee. You can get aspirin, toothpaste, or a writing pad there. You can also get other things such as clothes, shoes, and cosmetics. You can even buy fruits and vegetables. Although there are many things in the store, you can find the things you need easily. You can find shoes in the shoe department and vegetables at the vegetable stalls. You can use a trolley when you need to carry too many things. It is really a very big store in our town. TEXT 2 In football game, some people do not play the game. They have important roles in a football game. They are the coach, referee, linesmen, and the spectators. The coach trains the players how to play the game. The referee controls the match. One gro...


HARI KEBANGKITAN NASIONAL 2010, ........ Dalam rangka memperingati ke-102 Hari Kebangkitan Nasional Tahun 2010 yang pada tahun ini mengambil tema “ DENGAN SEMANGAT KEBANGKITAN NASIONAL KITA TINGKATKAN KETAHANAN MASYARAKAT DALAM KERANGKA NKRI ”. serta untuk membudayakan dan meningkatkan kecintaan masyarakat kepada produksi dalam negeri, kepada semua karyawan dan karyawati Instansi Pemerintah dan Swasta, mulai tanggal 17 sampai dengan 24 Mei 2010, harap memakai pakaian batik atau bermotif batik atau lurik hasil produksi dalam negeri, terkecuali bagi karyawan dan karyawati dinas perhubungan, polisi Pamong Praja, dan Perawat. Dan bagi anggota KORPRI untuk tanggal 17dan 20 Mei 2010 memakai pakaian KORPRI lengkap. Serta dihimbau kepada Kantor Pemerintah dan swasta, rumah-rumah penduduk, harap memasang bendera Merah Putih satu tiang penuh pada tanggal 20 Mei 2010, mulai pukul 06.00 sampai dengan pukul 18.00.