WASH YOUR HANDS! I missed breakfast today, was a little hungry, and decided to get something before work. So I stopped by one of the local bagel chains to get an Asiago Parmesan Bagel (plain). Somebody beat me through the door and ended up getting served first... by a woman who put on rubber gloves presumably for sanitary purposes... except that she immediately wiped her nose with her gloved hand and began serving the woman ahead of me !!! Gross! I mean, what's the point of going through the motions of protecting me from the germs on your hands if you immediately infect me with germs from your snot??? For whatever reason, the woman ahead of me didn't seem to mind to nose-wiping and was happy to be served her breakfast. I was in a state of dilemma. Do I let her serve me with her snot glove? Do I make a scene and insist that she wash up and put on clean gloves before serving me? Fortunately, somebody from the back saw me waiting to be served and took care of...